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Ramsbury Primary School

Ethos, Vision and Values

To be the best we can be


  • For the children of our school to be happy, caring, fair, polite, articulate, independent, responsible and confident.
  • To be in the top 25% of schools nationally in all subjects.
  • To maintain and improve on our level of musical achievement; which includes an active school orchestra, a Y2/3/4 choir, a Y5/6 Glee Club choir and the aspirational target of over 90% of KS2 children learning a tuned instrument.
  • To maintain and improve on our school’s sporting reputation; which includes representing the Cluster schools in County sporting events such as Tag Rugby, High 5 Netball, Hockey, Athletics and Kwik Cricket.
  • As a school, to play an active part in the school community and develop key skills to become well-rounded citizens of the 21st century.

Our Values

Our values are underpinned by our Golden Rules.


  • Are gentle
  • Are kind
  • Work hard
  • Respect and look after property
  • Listen to people
  • Are honest

We encourage all our children to enjoy and achieve in all aspects of school life; to be healthy; to stay safe and to make a positive contribution to our community.

We create a vibrant inclusive learning environment where children:

  • Learn to share and care
  • Develop good manners and show consideration to and for others
  • Develop skills needed for forming relationships, understanding the meaning of loyalty and friendship
  • Realise and understand that actions have consequences for oneself and others
  • Understand the need for rules and keeping them
  • Appreciate strengths and recognise the same in others
  • Solve problems, take risks and be creative
  • Celebrate their own and others’ achievements
  • Learn to value themselves and those around them; respecting spiritual, moral, social and cultural differences in the world in which they live

To support our Vision and Objectives, Ramsbury Primary School will provide a safe, stimulating and secure environment for learning and encourage all our children to:

  • Be happy and enthusiastic learners
  • Be emotionally literate
  • Accept, seek and thrive on challenge
  • Act responsibly in their everyday life
  • Understand their responsibility towards the environment
  • Foster their self-esteem and a sense of achievement
  • Develop the skills and attitudes to promote lifelong learning
  • Understand discrimination or bullying is not tolerated
  • Learn how to become responsible members of society

Promoting British Values

We ensure that the fundamental British values are introduced, discussed and lived out through the ethos and work of our school. Our curriculum provides excellent opportunities to deepen and strengthen the understanding, developing the spiritual, moral, social and cultural education of our children.

The Key British Values include:

  • Democracy
  • Rule of law
  • Individual liberty
  • Mutual respect
  • Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs

Ramsbury School pupils are encouraged to regard people of all faiths, races and cultures with respect and tolerance.

Our pupils are encouraged to become involved in decision-making processes and we ensure they are listened to. Our School Council is a good example of this, where all children have a voice in decision-making and can share their opinions. We understand the importance of our children having a voice in the wider world. They are encouraged to have opinions on topical issues and learn ways to elicit change. This has recently been done through writing letters to Parliament on climate change. We further encourage children to think globally, for example by working closely with ATE (Action Through Enterprise) to reduce poverty in Lawra, rural Ghana.

Through our Golden Rules, we ensure school values and expectations are clear and fair. We use praise and reward to promote positive consequences and help encourage children to take ownership of own behaviour.

We have implemented a strong anti-bullying culture, regularly discussing the topic in class, to ensure all children promote respect for individual differences. Our RE curriculum helps children acquire an understanding of, and respect for, their own and other cultures and ways of life.