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Ramsbury Primary School


Term 3 PE Days and Uniform

Class R - PE is on Wednesdays. Children will need a PE kit in school.

Class 1 - PE is on Thursdays. Children will need to wear their PE kit to school.

Class 2 - PE is on Wednesdays. Children will need to wear their PE kit to school.

Class 3 - Swimming is on Thursdays. Children will need to bring their swimming kit to school.

Class 4 - PE is on Thursdays. Children will need to wear their PE kit to school. For Term 3 please can children bring with them shin pads, long socks and gum shields. 

Class 5 - PE is on Wednesdays. Children will need to wear their PE kit to school. For Term 3 please can children bring with them shin pads, long socks and gum shields. 

Class 6 - PE is on Tuesdays. Children will need to wear their PE kit to school. For Term 3 please can children bring with them shin pads, long socks and gum shields. 

Term 3 Information

 This Term all children in Key Stage 2 and Class 2 are taking part in a skipping challenge during PE. Please help your children at home to practice! 

Water Safety

As part of their swimming lessons, Class 3 have been learning about water safety and have produced these fantastic posters.

Water Safety