Year Two
Class 2’s teacher is Miss Jones
In Class 2 we spend the year considering the question, ‘Why do humans seek challenge and change?’ and for the first two terms our enquiry question is ‘Why do people travel across the sea?’. We start by learning about the island Jamaica, as well as the voyage to Great Britain of the Windrush in 1948 and the life and rhymes of Benjamin Zephaniah. We then learn about Ellen MacArthur’s solo voyage around the world in 2005 as well as the voyage of The Titanic.
After Christmas we look at Antarctica through its animals as well as the expeditions of Scott and Shackleton. We journey to the mythological world of dragons featured in the book ‘Dragonology’ in Term 5. Finally, in Term 6 we learn about women who have changed the world, such as Ada Lovelace and Rosa Parks.
As Ramsbury is such a musical school, the children in Class 2 all learn the recorder with Mrs Hinder so that they develop musicality and are able to read some sheet music before they start Key Stage 2.
Class 2 team: Miss Jones, Mrs Beattie, Mrs Bisley and Miss Bartholomew
Class 2 Team (ID 1091)
Miss JonesClass 2 Teacher
Miss Jones
Mrs Siobhan BeattieClass 2 Teaching Assistant
Mrs Siobhan Beattie
Mrs Beattie will be in the classroom Monday to Friday.
Mrs BisleyClass 2 Teaching Assistant
Mrs Bisley
Mrs Bisley will be in the classroom Monday and Tuesday.
Miss Jess HathawayClass 2 Teaching Assistant
Miss Jess Hathaway
Is set every Friday