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Ramsbury Primary School

PE Grant

PE Grant Sports Games

PE Grant for 2023/24

The amount of premium received: PE Grant allocation of £17,688

For a full breakdown on the impact of this funding, please visit PE and Sport Premium 2023

This grant contributes to:

  1. Development of active playgrounds; professional development, with the refills of two PlayPods
  2. Introducing new sports; padel tennis, squash, tennis and dance, as well as top up swimming for those children who were unable to swim 25m by the end of Year 3

Impact the school has seen on pupils’ PE & sport participation and attainment:

For the past few years, Ramsbury has won the title of Top Performing Primary School in Wiltshire & Swindon in Sport. We are also extremely proud to have achieved the School Games Platinum Award.

Platinum criteria – only applicable to schools who can demonstrate they have achieved the gold standard for 5 years. We have shown consistent engagement with the School Games, it’s mission and values and as such, we have been able to demonstrate we have had an exceptional impact on participation and on attainment for all pupils.

We fulfil the following criteria to become one of the very few schools to achieve the Platinum Award:

If a school has previously achieved four consecutive gold awards and have met the
standard for this year’s gold award, then they will be eligible to apply for platinum.

Through the platinum award, we want to learn where schools are in their engagement with the evolution of the School Games. We want to understand what it takes to be a fully engaged and committed school so that we can help others on their journey of change. As a result, we will look for some narrative from these schools to demonstrate the impact and meaningful difference they are making. This will be in the form of a case study submitted alongside their application.

Schools are asked to select one of the following areas for their case study, making their submission in a number of ways, e.g. a narrative written by a third party, a written case study, a video case study, a submission led by young people, etc.

The options are shown below:

  • Demonstrate how you are engaging those young people that need it the most in the School
  • Games and evidence how you know they are benefiting
  • Demonstrate how you are a physically literate school and how this positively impacts on your young people
  • Demonstrate how you are developing and co-creating your offer with your young people
  • Demonstrate your understanding of young people’s motivations and how you build this into your offer
  • Demonstrate how you have embedded positive experiences of competition into your offer and how this has made a difference to your uptake
  • Demonstrate how have you ensured that you have developed and maintained 60 active minutes across your school.

In 2022/23, Ramsbury School participated in the following School Games festivals: 



Year 5/6 Football

Year 5/6 Netball

KS1 Cricket 

Year 5/6 Hockey 

KS2 Indoor Cricket

Year 5/6 Tag Rugby

Year 4/5 Tri Golf

Year 4/5 Orienteering

Year 5/6 Quad Kids Athletics

Year 5/6 Cricket

Year 4 Wiltshire Cricket 

Year 3/4 Football 


County Finals


Tri Golf 


Quad Kids


3rd & 4th

2nd & 5th 


2nd, 4th, 9th


2nd in both groups

1st, 4th & 9th

1st, 3rd & 8th 

1st & 4th


1st & 3rd

1st & 2nd







How the improvements will be sustainable in the future:

Our consistent approach ensures that we continue to improve our pupils’ sporting achievements each year that they are attend our school, giving them the best possible chance to develop a lifelong passion for PE & sport. We have been the top performing primary school in Swindon and Wiltshire for the past five years and aim to retain our title every year.

How many pupils within Year 6 can do each of the following:

  • Swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres: 25/26
  • Use a range of strokes effectively: 25/26
  • Perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations: 25/26

The positive impact that sport has on attainment is evidenced in a recent paper published by the Education Endowment Foundation.