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Ramsbury Primary School

For all Ramsbury English Hub enquiries please contact:


01672 703981

Support for Your School

We are delighted that you are interested in accessing support from Ramsbury English Hub.

Our aim is to provide high quality support to enable your school to develop excellence in teaching reading through systematic synthetic phonics and early language, as well as encouraging a love of reading among your pupils. 

The funded support that we can offer to infant, junior, primary and special schools is FREE to access and includes:

  • Conferences/ showcase events, highlighting best practice in phonics and early reading
  • Funded CPD opportunities for school leaders and practitioners to develop excellence in teaching early reading, promoting a love of reading and developing early language
  • Auditing the quality of early language and reading provision in your school
  • Developing action plans to support raising standards in early reading
  • Providing funding to buy resources & training to support high-quality teaching in early reading
  • Intensive support delivered by a Literacy Specialist as part of our Partner School Programme

National Professional Qualifications (NPQs)


Refer your school to our Hub programme