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Ramsbury Primary School


Music at Ramsbury Primary School

At Ramsbury School we provide a wide range of additional musical opportunities.

School Music Clubs this year will include Orchestra, Choirs, Jazz Band, Brass Group and Woodwind Ensemble. We also run a Whole Class Instrumental Music Tuition programme.

All children in Classes 2, 3, 4 and 5 learn to play a musical instrument in school.

Classes 2 and 3 will be receiving whole-class recorder lessons throughout the year; Class 4 will all be learning the cornet and Class 5 will all be learning the ukulele. This is an incredible opportunity for our children, and we hope that many of them will continue with music tuition as they progress through school.

Individual / Paired Lessons

We are very proud to have huge numbers of children learning to play instruments – we aim for 90% of children in Key Stage 2 to be learning an instrument. Lessons are available on a wide range of instruments from Year 3 upwards and are provided by either private teachers, or teachers from the Swindon Music Cooperative. Further details, including charges, can be found on the Parent Portal.

Lessons can be booked directly with the school office and payment can be made via the Parent Portal. Instruments currently available are listed below:


Private Teachers:

  • Piano – Mr Coles
  • Brass – Mr Croucher
  • Woodwind and Voice – Mrs Barker
  • Strings - Mrs Young

Swindon Music Cooperative:

  • Guitar – Mr Burge
  • Drums – Mr Mussard

Children regularly take ABRSM and Trinity music exams, and we are very proud to have large numbers of children who have passed Grades 1,2,3,4, 5 and even Grade 6!


Children have the opportunity to perform regularly in a range of concerts and other events. This year, performances will include:

  • Children have the opportunity to perform in assemblies on Mondays and Fridays on their instrument.
  • Ramsbury School Harvest Festival, led by our School Orchestra
  • Christmas Productions at school, for all classes
  • Ramsbury School Christmas Carol Service, including Choirs, Orchestra and the whole school
  • ‘Ramsbury’s Got Talent’, our own talent show, every February.
  • Performances at the Link Group tea party
  • Ramsbury School Easter Service, including Choirs, Orchestra and the whole school
  • Eisteddfod - every year children from Classes 3-6 are invited to perform in our long standing annual Eisteddfod
  • School Summer Concert – all of our performers
  • Year 6 Musical Production
  • Music for a Summer’s Evening at St John’s School 


Our Class 6 teacher and music lead, Mrs Haynes has been the Wiltshire Primary School Music Teacher of the Year.