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Ramsbury Primary School

Policies & Documents

Please find below a list of our key policies:

Copies of all policies are available from the School Office.

The Designated Safeguarding Lead is Juliet Rean.

The Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead is Joanna Price.

The School Safeguarding Governor is Helen Foley.

The School Lead for Looked after Children is Juliet Rean.

The School Governor for Looked after Children is Steve Sherman.

The School Senior Mental Health Lead is Sophie Pollock.

The School SENCO is Polly Mayer.


Accessibility Plan  

Anti Bullying Policy 

Calculation Policy 

Charging and Remissions Policy 

Complaints Procedure 

Equality Information & Objectives 

Positive Behaviour Policy 

Privacy Notice - Pupils 

PSHE Policy including RSE 

Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy 

SEN Information Report 

Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Policy 

Whistleblowing Policy