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Ramsbury Primary School

For all Ramsbury English Hub enquiries please contact:


01672 703981

Ramsbury English Hub

Ramsbury Primary School is proud to have been chosen as one of the government’s English Hubs. We are one of just 34 schools nationwide, selected for our expertise in teaching reading and supporting schools in our surrounding area.

We promote a love of reading and help schools provide excellent teaching in phonics and early language. Our focus is on supporting the children who make the slowest progress in Reception and Year 1 to ensure every child is successful, regardless of background, needs or abilities.


Our support is centered on 3 priority areas:

Age-appropriate phonics provision: encouraging best practice in Systematic Synthetic Phonics (SSP) teaching from Reception to the end of Key Stage 1, and as the primary teaching strategy throughout the school.

Promoting a love of reading: encouraging reading for enjoyment through a whole school reading approach; reading to every child at least once a day and encouraging reading at home; developing teachers’ knowledge of children’s texts and reading practices.

Early language development: providing evidence-based approaches to early language development and closing the word gap in school-based early years settings.   

Our Newsletter

Refer your school to our Hub programme 

Further information on the national English Hubs programme